PT. FBMA Konsultan Indonesia
With a wide professional network, we collaborate with various companies, institutions and expert individuals in the fields of accounting, finance and taxation to provide innovative and trusted solutions.
PT. FBMA Konsultan Indonesia
Human Resources
Our team is equipped with experts who are experienced in their respective fields, so that we can provide the solutions needed by the company in an integrated manner based on integrity and professionalism.
And we also always maintain the quality of our professionalism by always following the development of knowledge that is relevant to the services we provide through continuous education.
Our Team
Profesional Partner

Dr. Feber Sormin, SE., M.ak,. Ak, CA, Asean CPA
With more than 25 years of experience in accounting, tax, and management, Feber has handled many multi-national companies and various tax cases in Indonesia. Before becoming a Partner at KJA FBMA Konsultan Indonesia, Feber has also been a Director at several consulting firms and at national companies.
Since 2015, Feber has also been a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business (Accounting and Taxation) of Mercu Buana University. Feber is also active as an administrator at the Indonesian Tax Consultant Association and the Jakarta Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Feber has a license as a Practicing Accountant (AB) and an Indonesian tax consultant certification (BKP).

Bambang Arief W, SE., MH., Ak, CA, Asean CPA
With more than 25 years of experience in accounting, tax, management and audit, Bambang has handled many multi-national companies and various projects for international organizations.
Before becoming a Partner at KJA FBMA Konsultan Indonesia, Bambang has worked as a Director at various multinational companies and as an Auditor at a Public Accounting Firm in Jakarta. Bambang is also active in teaching at several universities in Jakarta.
Bambang also has experience including Representative Consultant for Foreign Company from (Asia Pacific, Australia, Singapore, Japan), Business Advisory Consultant for Merger & Acquisition company in Malaysia-Kuala Lumpur, Audit Team of national companies and International Funds and has a license as a Practicing Accountant (AB).