Accounting services office (KJA)

PT. FBMA Konsultan Indonesia​

SK Menkeu RI no.314/KM.1/pppk/2020

We provide professional consulting services in accounting, finance and taxation to help your business grow in a more structured and efficient manner.


It is a financial recording service that includes sales transactions, purchases, income, receipts, costs, expenses, and recording of other subsidiary book transactions so as to produce financial information data such as assets, liabilities, capital, income, and costs which are used as data for compiling Financial Reports.

Compilation of Financial Statements

It is a service for preparing financial reports based on evidence of financial transactions and other information provided by the company.


With various training modules in accounting, finance, and other management provided by the company.

Management Accounting

Conducting observations, reviews and examinations of a company’s operational activities, including accounting policies and operational policies that have been determined by management with the aim of determining whether operational activities have been carried out effectively, efficiently and economically.

Management Consulting

Independent and professional management system improvement consulting services with the aim of helping to find solutions to problems experienced by companies, gain new opportunities, improve business performance, and maximize company growth.


Helping companies prepare good tax management planning, so that companies can fulfill their tax obligations correctly, efficiently and effectively in accordance with tax regulations.

Agreed-upon Procedures Services for Financial Information

Assisting companies that require funding through banks or other financial institutions, by providing credit/investment proposal preparation services so that they are in accordance with the goals expected by the company.

Financial Report Assistance

In terms of tax audits, tax courts, tax objections and tax refunds.

  • Assisting Taxpayers in preparing tax administration
  • Tax consultation
  • Tax review

Preparation of Corporate Governance Report

The types of tax services we provide are in accordance with tax regulations, including:

  • SPT Masa (PPh pasal 15,21,23,26)
  • SPT PPh Final pasal 4 ayat 2a
  • SPT Masa PPN dan e-Faktur
  • SPT Tahunan PPh Badan(PPh pasal 28/29)
  • SPT Tahunan PPh Orang Pribadi.

Information Technology System

Designing the Accounting Information System required by the company, which includes the preparation of the company’s financial and accounting policies (policy), Job Descriptions for the Finance and Accounting division, the company’s financial and accounting Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), work instructions, and forms and templates (Form and Template).